Forestry Assistance Program
What Fap Does
The Michigan Forestry Assistance Program (FAP) is a free technical assistance program for private forest landowners in Michigan. The goal of FAP is to help family forest owners achieve their goals for woodland ownership. FAP district foresters are employed by local conservation districts and are able to provide information to landowners about nearly everything forestry related.
- Landowner contacts their local FAP forester to set up a site visit.
- During site visit, the FAP forester can discuss all questions you have regarding your property. They can also give recommendations for how to manage to the property to meet your goals.
- If a landowner requires further assistance that cannot be provided by the FAP forester (such as writing a management plan, negotiating a timber harvest, etc.), the FAP forester can provide the landowner with a list of individuals that can provide the required service. OR
- The landowner can request a referral by the FAP forester to natural resource professionals that can provide the required service.
Qualified Forest Program
the purpose of the Qualified Forest Program (QFP) is to encourage landowners to actively manage their privately owned forests for commercial harvest, wildlife habitat enhancement, and improvement of other non-forest resources. American Tree Farm System
The American Tree Farm System is a way to recognize and certify landowners who are properly stewarding the land. Enrollment allows you to join a community of like minded stewards. |
Commercial Forest Program
The purpose of the Commercial Forest Program (CF) is to encourage land owners to harvest timber products sustainably and allow for greater public access to outdoor recreation. Forest Stewardship Program
The Forest Stewardship Program assists private landowners in getting in contact with professional foresters to foster better forest management. |